6:1 | |
Brethren <80>, if <1437> <2532> a man <444> be overtaken <4301> (5686) in <1722> a <5100> fault <3900>, ye <5210> which <3588> are spiritual <4152>, restore <2675> (5720) such an one <5108> in <1722> the spirit <4151> of meekness <4236>; considering <4648> (5723) thyself <4572>, lest <3361> thou <4771> also <2532> be tempted <3985> (5686). {if: or, although} |
6:2 | |
Bear ye <941> (5720) one another's <240> burdens <922>, and <2532> so <3779> fulfil <378> (5657) the law <3551> of Christ <5547>. |
6:3 | |
For <1063> if a man <1536> think himself <1380> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) something <5100>, when he is <5607> (5752) nothing <3367>, he deceiveth <5422> (5719) himself <1438>. |
6:4 | |
But <1161> let <1381> (0) every man <1538> prove <1381> (5720) his own <1438> work <2041>, and <2532> then <5119> shall he have <2192> (5692) rejoicing <2745> in <1519> himself <1438> alone <3441>, and <2532> not <3756> in <1519> another <2087>. |
6:5 | |
For <1063> every man <1538> shall bear <941> (5692) his own <2398> burden <5413>. |
6:6 | |
Let <1161> him that is taught <2727> (5746) in the word <3056> communicate <2841> (5720) unto him that teacheth <2727> (5723) in <1722> all <3956> good things <18>. |
6:7 | |
Be <4105> (0) not <3361> deceived <4105> (5744); God <2316> is <3456> (0) not <3756> mocked <3456> (5743): for <1063> whatsoever <3739> <1437> a man <444> soweth <4687> (5725), that <5124> shall he <2325> (0) also <2532> reap <2325> (5692). |
6:8 | |
For <3754> he that soweth <4687> (5723) to <1519> his <1438> flesh <4561> shall <2325> (0) of <1537> the flesh <4561> reap <2325> (5692) corruption <5356>; but <1161> he that soweth <4687> (5723) to <1519> the Spirit <4151> shall <2325> (0) of <1537> the Spirit <4151> reap <2325> (5692) life <2222> everlasting <166>. |
6:9 | |
And <1161> let us <1573> (0) not <3361> be weary <1573> (5725) in well <2570> doing <4160> (5723): for <1063> in due <2398> season <2540> we shall reap <2325> (5692), if we faint <1590> (5746) not <3361>. |
6:10 | |
As <5613> we have <2192> (5719) therefore <686> <3767> opportunity <2540>, let us do <2038> (5741) good <18> unto <4314> all <3956> [men], especially <1161> <3122> unto <4314> them who are of the household <3609> of faith <4102>. |
6:11 | |
Ye see <1492> (5628) how large <4080> a letter <1121> I have written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213> with mine own <1699> hand <5495>. |
6:12 | |
As many as <3745> desire <2309> (5719) to make a fair shew <2146> (5658) in <1722> the flesh <4561>, they <3778> constrain <315> (5719) you <5209> to be circumcised <4059> (5745); only <3440> lest <3363> they should suffer persecution <1377> (5747) for the cross <4716> of Christ <5547>. |
6:13 | |
For <1063> neither <3761> they themselves <846> who are circumcised <4059> (5746) keep <5442> (5719) the law <3551>; but <235> desire <2309> (5719) to have <4059> (0) you <5209> circumcised <4059> (5745), that <2443> they may glory <2744> (5667) in <1722> your <5212> flesh <4561>. |
6:14 | |
But <1161> God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636) that I <1698> should glory <2744> (5738), save <1508> in <1722> the cross <4716> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, by <1223> whom <3739> the world <2889> is crucified <4717> (5769) unto me <1698>, and I <2504> unto the world <2889>. {by whom: or, whereby} |
6:15 | |
For <1063> in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424> neither <3777> circumcision <4061> availeth <2480> (5719) any thing <5100>, nor <3777> uncircumcision <203>, but <235> a new <2537> creature <2937>. |
6:16 | |
And <2532> as many as <3745> walk <4748> (5692) according to <2583> (0) this <5129> rule <2583>, peace <1515> [be] on <1909> them <846>, and <2532> mercy <1656>, and <2532> upon <1909> the Israel <2474> of God <2316>. |
6:17 | |
From henceforth <3064> let <3930> (0) no man <3367> trouble <3930> (5720) me <2873> <3427>: for <1063> I <1473> bear <941> (5719) in <1722> my <3450> body <4983> the marks <4742> of the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424>. |
6:18 | |
Brethren <80>, the grace <5485> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> [be] with <3326> your <5216> spirit <4151>. Amen <281>. <<[To <4314> [the] Galatians <1052> written <1125> (5648) from <575> Rome <4516>.]>> |
1769 Authorised Version
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