TL_ITL_DRF | Bahwa inilah firman <01697> Tuhan <03068> yang telah <0834> datang <01961> kepada <0413> nabi <05030> Yermia <03414> akan hal <05921> segala orang kafir <01471>, |
TB | Firman TUHAN yang datang kepada nabi Yeremia tentang bangsa-bangsa. |
BIS | TUHAN berbicara kepadaku tentang bangsa-bangsa, |
FAYH | INILAH firman TUHAN yang disampaikan kepada Yeremia mengenai bangsa-bangsa lain.
TL | Bahwa inilah firman Tuhan yang telah datang kepada nabi Yermia akan hal segala orang kafir, |
KSI |  |
DRFT_SB | Bahwa inilah firman Allah yang telah datang kepada Nabi Yeremia dari hal segala bangsa. |
BABA |  |
KL1863 |  |
KL1870 |  |
ENDE | Apa jang sebagai sabda Jahwe disampaikan kepada nabi Jeremia tentang bangsa2 kafir. |
TB_ITL_DRF | Firman <01697> TUHAN <03068> yang datang kepada <0413> nabi <05030> Yeremia <03414> tentang <05921> bangsa-bangsa <01471>. |
AV# | The word <01697> of the LORD <03068> which came to Jeremiah <03414> the prophet <05030> against the Gentiles <01471>; |
BBE | The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet about the nations. |
MESSAGE | GOD's Messages through the prophet Jeremiah regarding the godless nations. |
NKJV | The word of the LORD which came to Jeremiah the prophet against the nations. |
RWEBSTR | The word of the LORD which came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Gentiles; |
GWV | The LORD spoke this message to the prophet Jeremiah about the nations. |
NET | The Lord spoke to Jeremiah about the nations.* |
NET | 46:1 The Lord spoke to Jeremiah about the nations.2449 tn Heb “That which came [as] the word of the Lord to Jeremiah about the nations.” See the translator’s note on 14:1 for the construction here.
The Prophecy about Egypt’s Defeat at Carchemish
BHSSTR | <01471> Mywgh <05921> le <05030> aybnh <03414> whymry <0413> la <03068> hwhy <01697> rbd <01961> hyh <0834> rsa (46:1) |
LXXM |  |
IGNT |  |
WH |  |
TR |  |