BIS | Setelah itu Tuhan memilih tujuh puluh pengikut lagi, lalu mengutus mereka berdua-dua mendahului Dia ke setiap kota dan tempat yang hendak dikunjungi-Nya. |
TB | Kemudian dari pada itu Tuhan menunjuk tujuh puluh murid yang lain, lalu mengutus mereka berdua-dua mendahului-Nya ke setiap kota dan tempat yang hendak dikunjungi-Nya. |
FAYH | TUHAN Yesus memilih tujuh puluh murid lain dan mengutus mereka pergi berdua-dua mendahului Dia ke kota-kota dan desa-desa yang akan dikunjungi-Nya kemudian.
DRFT_WBTC | Setelah itu, Yesus menetapkan 70 pengikut yang lain. Yesus menyuruh mereka dua orang satu kelompok untuk mendahului-Nya. Mereka harus mengunjungi setiap kota dan tempat yang akan dikunjungi-Nya nanti. |
TL | Setelah itu, maka Tuhan pun menentukan tujuh puluh murid lain pula, lalu menyuruhkan mereka itu berdua-dua mendahului Dia ke tiap-tiap negeri dan tempat, yang Ia sendiri hendak singgah. |
KSI | Setelah itu, Isa, Sang Junjungan, memilih tujuh puluh orang yang lain lalu mengutus mereka pergi berdua-dua mendahului Dia ke setiap kota dan tempat yang akan dikunjungi-Nya sendiri.
DRFT_SB | Setelah itu, Rabbi menentukan tujuh puluh orang lain pula, lalu menyuruhkan dia berdua-dua mendahului ketiap-tiap negeri dan tempat yang ia sendiri hendak pergi. |
BABA | Kmdian deri pada ini smoa, Tuhan tntukan tujoh-puloh orang lain pula, dan suroh dia-orang pergi dua sama dua lbeh dhulu dia, k-pada tiap-tiap negri dan tmpat yang dia sndiri nanti pergi. |
KL1863 | Habis bagitoe maka di tentoeken Toehan lagi orang lain toedjoeh-poeloeh, disoeroehken Toehan dia-orang berdoewa-doewa, berdjalan doeloe disatoe-satoe negari dan tampat, Toehan sendiri maoe dateng. |
KL1870 | HATA kemoedian daripada itoe ditentoekan poela olih Toehan toedjoeh-poeloeh orang lain, disoeroehkannja berdoewa-doewa berdjalan dehoeloe daripadanja katiap-tiap negari dan tempat ija sendiri pon hendak kasana. |
DRFT_LDK | Sabermula komedijen deri pada demikijen 'itu, maka Tuhan sudah memungut lagi tudjoh puloh 'awrang lajin, dan menjuroh marika 'itu pergi duwa 2 'awrang dihadapan mukanja, kapada sasawatu negerij dan tampat, kamana 'ija 'ini nanti datang. |
ENDE | Kemudian dari itu Tuhan menundjuk tudjuh puluh dua murid lain untuk mendahuluiNja berdua-dua kesegala kota dan dusun, jang hendak dikundjungiNja sendiri. |
TB_ITL_DRF | Kemudian <3326> dari pada itu <5023> Tuhan <2962> menunjuk <322> tujuh puluh <1440> murid yang lain <2087>, lalu <2532> mengutus <649> mereka <846> berdua-dua <303> mendahului-Nya <4383> <846> ke <1519> setiap <3956> kota <4172> dan <2532> tempat <5117> yang <2064> hendak <3195> dikunjungi-Nya <2064>. dikunjungi-Nya <846>. |
TL_ITL_DRF | Setelah <3326> <1161> itu, maka Tuhan <2962> pun menentukan <5023> <322> tujuh puluh <1440> murid <1417> lain <2087> pula, lalu <2532> menyuruhkan <649> mereka <846> itu berdua-dua <1417> mendahului <322> <4253> <4383> Dia <846> ke <1519> tiap-tiap <3956> negeri <4172> dan <2532> tempat <5117>, yang Ia sendiri <322> hendak <3195> singgah <322> <2064>. |
AV# | <1161> After <3326> these things <5023> the Lord <2962> appointed <322> (5656) other <2087> seventy <1440> also <2532>, and <2532> sent <649> (5656) them <846> two <303> and two <1417> before <4253> his <846> face <4383> into <1519> every <3956> city <4172> and <2532> place <5117>, whither <3757> (5625) <3739> he himself <846> would <3195> (5707) come <2064> (5738). |
BBE | Now after these things, the Lord made selection of seventy others and sent them before him, two together, into every town and place where he himself was about to come. |
MESSAGE | Later the Master selected seventy and sent them ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he intended to go. |
NKJV | After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. |
PHILIPS | LATER on the Lord commissioned seventy other disciples and sent them off in twos as advanceparties into ever town and district where he intended to go himself. |
RWEBSTR | After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, where he himself would come. |
GWV | After this, the Lord appointed 70 other disciples to go ahead of him to every city and place that he intended to go. They were to travel in pairs. |
NET | After this* the Lord appointed seventy-two* others and sent them on ahead of him two by two into every town* and place where he himself was about to go. |
NET | 10:1 After this1506 tn Grk “And after these things.” Here δέ ( de) has not been translated. the Lord appointed seventy-two1507 tc There is a difficult textual problem here and in v. 17, where the number is either “seventy” ( א A C L W Θ Ξ Ψ Ë1,13 Ï and several church fathers and early versions) or “seventy-two” ( Ì75 B D 0181 pc lat as well as other versions and fathers). The more difficult reading is “seventy-two,” since scribes would be prone to assimilate this passage to several OT passages that refer to groups of seventy people (Num 11:13-17; Deut 10:22; Judg 8:30; 2 Kgs 10:1 et al.); this reading also has slightly better ms support. “Seventy” could be the preferred reading if scribes drew from the tradition of the number of translators of the LXX, which the Letter of Aristeas puts at seventy-two ( TCGNT 127), although this is far less likely. All things considered, “seventy-two” is a much more difficult reading and accounts for the rise of the other. Only Luke notes a second larger mission like the one in 9:1-6. others and sent them on ahead of him two by two into every town1508 and place where he himself was about to go.
LXXM |  |
IGNT | meta <3326> de <1161> {NOW AFTER} tauta <5023> {THESE THINGS} anedeixen <322> (5656) {APPOINTED} o <3588> {THE} kuriov <2962> {LORD} kai <2532> {ALSO} eterouv <2087> {OTHERS} ebdomhkonta <1440> {SEVENTY,} kai <2532> {AND} apesteilen <649> (5656) {SENT} autouv <846> ana <303> {THEM} duo <1417> {TWO AND TWO} pro <4253> {BEFORE} proswpou <4383> {FACE} autou <846> {HIS,} eiv <1519> {INTO} pasan <3956> {EVERY} polin <4172> {CITY} kai <2532> {AND} topon <5117> {PLACE} ou <3739> <3757> {WHERE} emellen <3195> (5707) {HE WAS ABOUT} autov <846> {HIMSELF} ercesyai <2064> (5738) {TO COME.} |
WH | meta <3326> {PREP} de <1161> {CONJ} tauta <5023> {D-APN} anedeixen <322> (5656) {V-AAI-3S} o <3588> {T-NSM} kuriov <2962> {N-NSM} eterouv <2087> {A-APM} ebdomhkonta <1440> {A-NUI} [duo] <1417> {A-NUI} kai <2532> {CONJ} apesteilen <649> (5656) {V-AAI-3S} autouv <846> {P-APM} ana <303> {PREP} duo <1417> {A-NUI} [duo] <1417> {A-NUI} pro <4253> {PREP} proswpou <4383> {N-GSN} autou <846> {P-GSM} eiv <1519> {PREP} pasan <3956> {A-ASF} polin <4172> {N-ASF} kai <2532> {CONJ} topon <5117> {N-ASM} ou <3739> <3757> {ADV} hmellen <3195> (5707) {V-IAI-3S-ATT} autov <846> {P-NSM} ercesyai <2064> (5738) {V-PNN} |
TR | meta <3326> {PREP} de <1161> {CONJ} tauta <5023> {D-APN} anedeixen <322> (5656) {V-AAI-3S} o <3588> {T-NSM} kuriov <2962> {N-NSM} kai <2532> {CONJ} eterouv <2087> {A-APM} ebdomhkonta <1440> {A-NUI} kai <2532> {CONJ} apesteilen <649> (5656) {V-AAI-3S} autouv <846> {P-APM} ana <303> {PREP} duo <1417> {A-NUI} pro <4253> {PREP} proswpou <4383> {N-GSN} autou <846> {P-GSM} eiv <1519> {PREP} pasan <3956> {A-ASF} polin <4172> {N-ASF} kai <2532> {CONJ} topon <5117> {N-ASM} ou <3739> {R-GSM} <3757> {ADV} emellen <3195> (5707) {V-IAI-3S} autov <846> {P-NSM} ercesyai <2064> (5738) {V-PNN} |