YEU - Yakkum Emergency Unit
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Her birth was based on pressing concerns within YAKKUM (Yayasan Kristen untuk Kesehatan Umum – Christian Foundation for Public Health) regarding the effectiveness of CD Bethesda’s responses to emergencies
dari (0-0-0000) : YEU (YAKKUM Emergency Unit), as a younger sister of a solid CD Bethesda, is a three-year old Indonesian emergency NGO officially established in 2001. Her birth was based on pressing concerns within YAKKUM (Yayasan Kristen untuk Kesehatan Umum – Christian Foundation for Public Health) regarding the effectiveness of CD Bethesda’s responses to emergencies while still retaining its focus on community development work.
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Keywords: YEU YAKKUM emergency unit yayasan kristen untuk kesehatan umum christian foundation for public health